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Hands Free Options for Door Hardware

As manufactures of door hardware and security are scrambling to innovate products to assist in the re-opening of businesses across the world one of the main points of innovation is hands free. Hands free is defined as being designed to be operated without the use of hands and that is exactly what manufacturers are doing. […]

Roundtable: With a New School Year Comes a New Normal

Strategic safety and security protocols will mandate how schools implement security systems (A technology roundtable sponsored by dormakaba)
Author: Steve Lasky featuring Guy Grace, of Littleton Public Schools, and Jonathan Jones, of JL Jones Group

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Our Associations

Door and Hardware Institute

DHI is an association proudly serving door security and safety professionals, and the dynamic companies they represent, in the non-residential construction industry.

The American Institute of Architects

AIA is a vibrant community of architecture and industry professionals that are transforming the profession. Members enjoy access to industry-best benefits, products and services that support practice and professional development.

Construction Specifications Institute

CSI is a national association of more than 8,000 experts in building construction and the materials used therein. They focus on the materials used within construction projects and the specifiers who specify the products. We are active members.