The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Cleaning Budget Through Door Hardware and Security
As facilities across the world begin to reopen after COVID19 prompted them to close their doors, everyone is now returning to a new reality. A reality that involves proper distancing between people, frequent cleaning, and staggered shifts, among other precautions. Many companies are looking at their budgets and shifting money from one category to another to accommodate working in a high risk environment.
As an industry, Door Hardware and Security have always been at the forefront in a crisis from innovative lockdown solutions, to thermal cameras, to access control, and monitoring. The current pandemic is no different; Door Hardware and Security are at the forefront of innovation. We are seeing a massive shift at the manufacturing level with a laser like focus on cleanliness. From touchless switches to using copper based materials, innovation is moving at break neck speeds. Manufacturers are working tirelessly to figure out how they can bring value to the end user through cleanliness and touchless solutions.
As many of these facilities begin to shift money to their cleaning budgets, the topic of high touch point areas has become a common theme. At the top of the list of high touch points we think of the openings that we walk through to enter every space. The front doors, the restroom, the cafeteria, individual office doors, and so on. How do we make our spaces cleaner and safer for everyone in order to operate at high capacities and do this in such a way that it is cost effective? While purchasing cleaning services, antibacterial wipes, sanitizer, and soap all help to move the needle toward a cleaner building, Door Hardware and Security can offer cost effective solutions that outlast the aforementioned and save money in the long term. Below is a comprehensive list of products that will not only save you money in the long run, but assist in keeping your facilities as healthy as possible in the immediate future.
*All products below should be used in conjunction with other safety and cleaning protocols in place.
1. Trimco Healthy Hardware

Trimco’s Healthy Hardware products are manufactured from specially formulated copper alloys that are registered by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Copper alloy is the base material of the product and is not a coating. The bactericidal copper alloy can help minimize infectious bacteria in any facility. The product offering ranges from push/pull plates, levers, hospital latches, straight and offset pulls, and restroom pulls.
- Can be used on a wide range of Trimco Hardware products like pulls, push plates, stops, flush pulls, edge guards, exit device covers, full length door pulls, grab bars, and many more.
- Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 2 hours.
- Not a coating and won’t wear off! Will continue to kill bacteria* for the lifetime of the product.
- Looks like stainless steel to match other hardware products.
- “Green” product comprised of pre and post-consumer recycled materials.
2. dormakaba Antimicrobial Locks and Exit Devices

Antimicrobial is a finish process that applies a coating to the exterior of the product and becomes a permanent part of the finish. The antimicrobial finish is a silver-based, plating process that helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria, funguses, mold, and mildew. It is listed with the EPA and FDA. Dormakaba offers the antimicrobial solution on both their exit devices and their locksets, both cylindrical and mortise.
- An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth.
- The Antimicrobial finish is a silver-based, plating process that helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria, funguses, mold, and mildew.
- Available on BEST, PRECISION, and dormakaba branded hardware.
- Listed with the EPA and FDA for use on medical and food preparation equipment.
- This is not a process that can be applied after the hardware is installed, it is permanently part of the finish when proper cleaning is applied.
3. ABH Manufacturing Clean Copper Adhesives
ABH Clean Copper Adhesives are a very affordable option to bring copper and its natural antimicrobial properties to several high touch point products. The adhesives can be applied to locks, exit devices, counter tops, microwaves, cell phones, push plates, pulls and more.
- Clean Copper and its alloys, such as brass, bronze and copper-nickel, help reduce the spread of germs.
- Cost effective adhesive you can place on existing products
- Available for locks, exits devices, counter tops, microwaves, cell phones, push plates, pull handles and more
- Clean Copper Surfaces MUST NOT be coated or waxed for this to be effective.
4. RCI 910TC Touchless Switch
The 910TC touchless switch is a hands free solution that can be paired with a ED900 operator to create a completely hands free opening. With the waive of a hand the actuator is triggered releasing the door.
- Unique low-profile touchless actuator plate utilizing capacitive technology for the activation of automatic doors.
- Hands-free – helps reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.
- Adjustable detection zone to reduce unwanted activations.
- Available remote control to trigger switch remotely.
- May be purchased as a kit (910TC-WRM-WRB). Includes 910TC Switch, 910TCWRM Remote Receiver Module and 910TC-WRB Remote Transmitter.
5. Trimco Hardware Ultimate Restroom Pull
Trimco’s Ultimate Restroom pull is part of their Healthy Hardware line up. They are made with bactericidal copper to help minimize the spread of infectious bacteria. These pulls are specifically designed for restroom doors so you can use your arm to open the door rather than your hand. The pull can be configured point down towards the ground or up towards the ceiling.
- The pull has a special design that allows the user to pull the door open using their arm without having to “grip” the pull.
- The Ultimate Restroom Pulls are made with Healthy Hardware® – Bactericidal Copper and are also available in standard finishes.
- Custom sizes available.
6. dormakaba ED900 Low Energy Operators
Low energy operators are a great option to help minimize the spreads of germs. When an actuator is activated the operator automatically opens the door for you to enter the space. When paired with the 910TC you can create a completely hands free opening solution. Otherwise you can use standard actuator packages that require you to depress the button to open the door.
• Low energy operators used in conjunction with the 910TC Touches Switch make for a great option on any opening creating a completely touchless solution.
• The operator will open the door without having to touch the door at all.
• Employing an innovative electromechanical drive and a state-of-the-art microprocessor motion control system, the ED900 is DORMA’s most advanced low-energy swing door power operator.
• The ED900 also includes a blow-open feature for smoke ventilation (per NFPA code 92B), permanent hold-open, and an onboard power supply delivering 1.5 amps @ 24-volt DC, which eliminates the need for a secondary power supply.
7. ABH Manufacturing Arm and Foot Pulls
ABH’s arm and foot pulls are a great option on restrooms. By using either you can leave the restroom without ever touching the door or the hardware with your hands. By placing your foot under the foot pull you can then pull the door open. For the arm pull you can place your arm anywhere in the pull and open the door with the same motion you’d open it with a standard pull.
• Utilizes the ability to use your foot or arm to open a door rather than traditional high touch surfaces.
• Helps prevent the spread of germs and cross contamination
• Copper options available
8. Trimco UFP Foot Pull
Trimco’s ultimate foot pull is a great option on restrooms that will allow for opening the door without the use of hands. On the Trimco version you place your foot on top of the foot pull and pull towards yourself.
• Allows opening without the use of hands
• Thru-bolted for maximum durability
• Includes two sex bolts and a wood screw
• Two rubber bumpers for wall protection
9. Trimco 9 Series Levers
The 9 lever series from Trimco is a great retrofit option on any facility. The levers are manufacture with Trimco’s Healthy Hardware and can be adapted to almost any mortise lock body on the market.
• Levers can be adapted to almost any mortise lock body.
• Proven to kill 99.9% of infectious bacteria* in 2 hours or less
• Not a coating and won’t wear off
• Looks like stainless steel to match other hardware products
• Multiple functions available
10. Keyscan Mobile Credentials
With Keyscan mobile credentials you can issue a credential without ever having to be face to face with someone. These are a great option for any facility frequently issuing credentials. The entire human contact element is eliminated therefore reducing the risk of transmitting anything.
• Gain access to a building or room through credentials stored on your mobile phone.
• Instead of issuing traditional credentials face to face manage user data and distribute mobile credentials directly through Keyscan Aurora
• Cloud-based credential delivery app for use with new or existing Keyscan access control systems equipped with K-SMART3 mobile-ready readers
• Four adjustable BLE reader ranges available. Default BLE range is short range and is ready to use. Additional BLE ranges are medium, long and maximum (Requires BLE1 programming card, sold separately)
• User can store up to 10 mobile credentials on a single device
• No BLE activation is required at each reader